
How do you Get a Dog on a motorbike ?

A lot of people will have seen the t shirts ‘ I like my Dog , my motorbike, and maybe 3 people’ Its so close to the truth . Both Dogs and motorbikes are good for mental health. They are both also good for starting conversations with strangers. Put the two together and its a double whammy.

My current sidekick is Cedar. A German shepherd, who at the time of writing is 20 months old. When He was six months I decided in my infinite wisdom that a having a motorbike and sidecar combo would be a good idea. This would enable me to take Cedar out with me in the sidecar, so we could enjoy more time together.

There is a lot of info online around training dogs for sidecars, and I started on this route, although Cedar didnt need much persuading, he was happy to jump in and enjoy the ride. To date he has attended several motorbike events locally as well as enjoyed rideouts. 

A sidecar outfit gets lots of waves….A sidecar outfit with a dog in gets even more. I love taking it out, the number of people we see smiling, the number of people we see taking photographs makes me think we might be spreading a little joy. 

Its for charity…

Thats Jason under the New York sign..When you see him, tell him good Job

A few years ago, I came across this bloke called Jason via facebook. Since 2012 he has been organizing extended motorcycle rides around the UK raising money for charity. To date I believe the total now stands around the £250k mark. I have been fortunate enough to take part in two previous events on a solo motorcycle. These take me well out of my comfort zone, as not only do I have to go further afield, I also have to deal with people.





I’m sure she just felt sorry for me

This years event is a ride from John o Groats To Lands End, between the 23rd and 27th May. There will be around 50 riders involved, all dressed as Evel Knievel. All have given up their time, paid their own fuel and accomodation costs to raise funds this year for NSPCC. The event has the support of members of the Knievel family, and theirs a whisper of a special fundraiser next year to mark the 50th Anniversary of Evel Knievels Jump at Wembley.


I’m at the back #evel57 #cadwellpark #ridecapitals2022 #macmillan #fundraiser #doggroomersdayoff www.justgiving.com/capitals2022

♬ original sound – Chris The Dog Man

So…knowing the camaraderie I’ve felt on the previous events, I decided to take part again, only this time adding to the challenge by taking part with the sidecar. A vehicle that can do the speed limit in straight lines, but has to slow considerably in corners, especially left handers, and I’m hoping the it doesn’t strain the support too much over the four days. I have also learnt to check how far it is to the start point before commiting to future events


Getting ready for #JogleKnievels end of may #johnogroats to #landsend #bmwk75 #motorcycle #sidecar #knievelforagoodcause #fumdraiser https://www.justgiving.com/page/capes24?utm_medium=fundraising&utm_content=page%2Fcapes24&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=pfp-share #share

♬ Motorbike – The Carlines

Now hopefully, if youve landed at this page from the QR code on my mean machine, you will know what an ex brummie who lives in Wales is doing stopped in a services, side of the road, guest house, somewhere in the UK is doing. He would be extremely grateful if you could donate a quid (or two) via the just giving page for the event and put “Rider 30 Chris Man ” in the comments. John o Groats To lands End Just Giving Page

Unfortunately Cedar isnt with me on this event as 300 odd mile days and upto 12 hours riding woukld be a little too much for him at present. Thanks for reading and Thanks in anticipation of donations…There will be more films coming of us out and about so watch this space.

If you want to follow the event live the lead motorbike is fitted with a tracker so can be followed here www.ridecymru.com

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