

“I Can’t Groom”

“He (or she) won’t let me groom them”. A comment I hear  frequently from new customers, generally just before I’m presented with a dog I have to  clip off due to matting. Some scenarios are worse than others.  Ok some dogs are less problematic to groom, and it is easier to keep on top of them between regular grooms.

Every Pawpal benefits from a Groom

Fact all dogs need some level of grooming, whether it’s bathing after a muddy walk, maintaining nails, or brushing coats out daily. If everyone could groom their dog to a professional standard, I would be out of work. As a human sharing your household with your four legged friends, there are things that you can do to make the process less stressful for you both.

Owner Education

Last year, as part of a Degree in Animal Science, I looked at the benefits of owner education in grooming and its effect on the behaviour of their dogs whilst been groomed. In the majority of instances, The knowledge gained by the owners, and repeated process with positive re-enforcement for the dog, resulted in a more pleasant experience for both.

Teaching your dog to accept grooming, is like teaching any other trait, it can take time and different dogs take longer to pick up on it. The advantage of a human knowing what they are doing also appears to help the dog. The anology I use is; Imagine going to the hairdressers and sitting whilst a trainee on their first day on the job, with no instruction, stands over you with a brush and scissors. You will both feed off each others nervousness.

Come and learn

After a meeting today with Coleg Sir Car in Carmarthen, we are looking at running some taster days to cover basic brushouts and bathing, along with nail care. This will be done with limited numbers on each day to maintain a calm atmosphere. It is ideal for anyone who either wants to maintain their dog between grooming appointments, or those who look after their dogs themselves. It is not aimed at turning you into a professional groomer, but to give you the confidence to know you are fulfilling your dogs grooming requirements and to enjoy a process that can help the bond between you and your dog.

First DAte Friday 24th February 2017 

Taster Course Dog Grooming

24th of February 2017

10am – 4pm, Group size: Max 15 people

Price: £55 per person (weekdays)

Description: If you interested in a career in Dog Grooming or would you like a little bit of knowledge of what it entails to groom a dog. Try on a taster day with the experienced Dog Groomer, Chris Elwell, proprietor of Dog & Bone Grooming Services. A mixture of theory and demonstrations during the day.


For further information please contact Anna Lowndes on 01554 748245 or via e-mail: anna.lowndes@colegsirgar.ac.uk


Limited spaces available, to reserve a place please pay in full by phoning Coleg Sir Gâr, Pibwrlywd Campus Office 01554 748261.

Further Dates and Costs will follow in due course, but to register an interest please feel free to email chris@dogandbonegrooming.co.uk or ring on 01239 712736

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